Bling! Bling

Yesterday was Najib’s birthday so what. People around me who does not know him get over excited kept reminding me whether I had wished him happy birthday. Who the fuck is Najib? He is just one lucky fella born with a silver spoon got fucked and married somebody’s wife. Not enough of disgrace Rosmah’s youngest daughter is not even Najib’s.
So can anyone tell me honestly what Najib has done so far for the country since grabbing the Premiership, beside opening his golden mouth for shit to enter? For a man he has to keep on playing with himself because his bitchy wife Rosmah is getting herself arouse by the men around her. You think Britney Spear is a maniac. Be alone with Rosmah for a few second and you will understand.
It was reported that the star worshipper couple had been playing footsie with American entertainers and Robert DeNiro is even coming to Malaysia following the footstep of Martha Stewart. Wow is that what our Prime Minister and his bitchy wife are good for. The people of Malaysia have to sacrifice and suffer with the recent increase of fuel and sugar prices to save RM700million from subsidies so that money can be channel into entertaining foreign artistes. Wasn’t it bad enough that Shah Rukh Khan got a Datukship and Martha Stewart got paid for coming to Malaysia for holiday.
Why is Najib not taking action to help his own people get a decent roof over their heads, security in having a job, ensure safety and welfare of the Penans, stop abuse of APs for vehicles, rice, flour, sugar and oil. Recent reports on the homeless what is Najib doing? Fly to America and behave frivolously.
It is good his mother is alive to see what her blue eye son is up to because I believe it is her karma to watch and suffer in silent. I strongly believe that Rosmah will also suffer the same fate as her mother-in-law in time to come.
In the near future when one of my children gets marry to a popular Global artiste, knowing Najib and Rosmah inclination to foreign entertainers. I will definitely make sure they do not touch Malaysia soil for my peace of mind.
PS American politicians are close to artiste to gain monetary support not fame. In Malaysia the Prime Minister and his wife had to pay million to be seen with foreign artiste and get insulted. Fools