Moran matriarch charged over her brother-in-law's murder

Judy Moran yesterday, (right) Moran in 2004.
Nine hours after Desmond "Tuppence" Moran was gunned down in Melbourne's Ascot Vale, underworld matriarch Judy Moran donned a pair of knitted white gloves and allegedly dumped the killers' getaway car in a street near her house. On the car's back floor was a self-loading rifle.
After throwing the gloves in the bushes by the side of busy Brunswick Road, the last living member of the Moran clan calmly walked home just after 9.30 on Monday night.
Homicide squad detectives interrupted her walk, arresting her on suspicion of involvement in the murder.
A later search of her house revealed a hidden safe containing three handguns, clothing matching the description of that worn by the killers, a mask and two stolen registration plates.
Police also had electronic surveillance of a conversation in which Judy Moran and the de facto wife of one of the alleged killers told him they had disposed of items used in the shooting.
The trio all lived at Judy Moran's Moonee Ponds house.
By the time she was charged with being accessory after the fact to murder, Moran's tears at the murder scene had given way to calm and a resigned indifference as she faced a bail justice at the Melbourne Custody Centre last night.
Detective Senior Sergeant Stuart Bateson of the homicide squad told the out-of-sessions hearing that Tuppence Moran was killed by two gunmen just inside a deli on Union Road, Ascot Vale, about noon on Monday.
One of his alleged killers was Geoffrey Amour, 43, who has been remanded in custody charged with Moran's murder. He and another gunman were seen running along The Parade in Ascot Vale and allegedly got into a Ford Fairlane sedan, possibly driven by a third man.
Amour is the de facto husband of Suzanne Kane, who is the sister of Trisha Kane, widow of Judith Moran's slain son Jason.
Suzanne Kane, 45, has also been charged with being an accessory after the fact to murder.
A fourth suspect was arrested at Myrniong, 80 kilometres north-west of Melbourne, late yesterday.
A frail looking Moran, wearing a black fuzzy jacket, purple tracksuit pants and flat black shoes, walked into the small hearing room with the aid of a cane.
Suzanne Kane and Geoffrey Amour both lived at Moran's house, the hearing was told.
Moran is expected to apply for bail when she faces the Melbourne Magistrates Court today