Never Trust Crooks and Liars
Govt spends RM900m on elderly care annually, says deputy ministerThere is one thing I learnt for the past 3 years and that is - PAS people are not to be trusted.
They claimed to have done this and that but cannot show proof, especially when it comes to spending OUR MONEY.
Most of the Homes for the Elderly are run by NGOs, Private or Temple or Church. Only a handful are run by government. In fact it is not government run but homes that are run by cronies of the government.
The Cronies run home are in PPR flats or in their wooden houses or abandon houses. The elderly are left on their own 24 hours without being cared for. The elderly are given fresh pamper once a day and are showered down like how one washes cars. Cold meals with flies flying around are given twice a day. If the elderly cannot feed herself or himself then they are fed when the nurse aid is free. Meaning it takes about Half an hour to3 hours before food goes into the mouth. And most time each elderly are fed 10 spoons only and are told to drink more water if still hungry. When public donate meat, fruits and fresh vegetables and money for these homes, most time the donated food and money goes to the warden or supervisor or manager of the place for own consumption.
The situation at each home makes me sick. Whenever possible I simply refuse to go or help.
So how much of that RM900 million do you think goes into the homes for the Elderly?
I strongly believe only RM100,000 goes into 1200 homes run by the government nationwide. The balance money are for first class holidays, luxury cars and jewellery for the benefit of the Minister, Deputy Minister, Government servants and cronies.
I know of many government servants who own houses in UK, Spain, Australia, HongKong, Singapore and Indonesia. With just a salary of less than RM7,000, where did they get money to buy homes that are worth RM2 million overseas?
Good example is Azam Baki, HIS WIFE AND CHILDREN Where did their MILLIONS COME FROM?
Art the Speaker and family. Just speaker for two years sudah kaya macam Elon Musk.