Better at sucking cock than being a Minister


Deciphering Miti’s convoluted, confusing statement

The Vibes attempts to interpret the ministry’s statement on restricting workers’ attendance in their company premises

KUALA LUMPUR – Minister of International Trade and Industry Datuk Seri Mohamed Azmin Ali’s statement this morning on the work-from-home guidelines to stem the spread of the third wave of the Covid-19 pandemic has elicited much confusion.

The Vibes attempts to interpret what the statement means

  • There are 3.1 million workers in the manufacturing, services and construction sectors.
  • Of these 3.1 million workers, 25% or 776,135 are in management and supervisory positions.
  • Of these 776, 135 people, 10% are allowed to work for four hours, from 10am to 2pm, for three days a week, as long as they are in the accounting, finance, administrative, legal, planning and ICT sections.
  • Affected companies that need their management and supervisory staff to work on-site need not apply for ministry approval. They only need to issue travel permission letters for these staff members to be presented at police roadblocks over the duration of the CMCO.
  • Employers are expected to provide work-from-home guidelines. However, if they do not do so, there is no monitoring from the authorities and hence this does not mean anything. — The Vibes, October 21, 2020

