5 Months of PN Achievement

Backstabbing traitor Azmin Ali brazenly claimed yesterday that Pakatan Harapan failed to deliver while in power for 22 months.
Let's see what Perikatan Nasional PM and Ministers have achieved so far.
Now you see, now you don't PM.
Drink ''air suam'' to get rid Covid-19.
There are 500 countries in the world.
Cut hair to reduce high blood pressure.
Wives should talk like Doraemon.
Post Covid-19 Tik-Tok video on social media.
Traitors and backstabbers.
Fatcat GLC post grabbers.
Cronyism and nepotism.
Law enforcemet, double standard.
Indecision and half baked policies.
Need Finas license to post on social media/Facebook.
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