Time to Leave

It is time PKR leave Harapan for good.
DAP and Amanah are in support of Mahathir.
Mahathir is in support of himself.

There are 3 options for PKR.

First option to let Mahathir be PM again.  Knowing Mahathir has no intention to let Anwar take over as PM.  Mahathir has make it clear and loud not once but many times Anwar cannot be PM.  Fools in DAP and Amanah don't care who takes over from Mahathir as long as they are in Cabinet.

Second option to let Mahathir be PM again so that he can bring in Azmin and his new Parti Keadilan Negara to dilute PKR further.  Knowing this DAP is willing to sacrifice PKR completely.

Third option to divorce Mahathir, DAP and Amanah completely to start afresh.  At the same time knowing that more PKR members will leave and join Azmin new party.

I believe the 3rd Option is better because either way, more PKR members will leave to join Azmin.  With whatever seats left, Anwar can prostitute better to get a foot into another coalition which can help him in the near future.

I do not see the need FOR PKR to further negotiate with DAP and Amanah who are selfish in wanting Cabinet post for projects BUT NOT FOR THE FUTURE OF MALAYSIA.

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