The Criminal Clown

Time and time again, we bloggers are the target of those whom we target for corruption, arrogance, and the use and abuse of high political and public office for personal political and financial gain. That some of us have survived and continue to write is a testament of our own belief in ourselves that what we do is right. I believe that what we do needs to be done because if we are quiet then these corrupt and arrogant thieves, robbers, and scammers will thrive. And I do it because enough of you care to read what I write, enough of you are committed to making right what is now wrong with our country and enough of you will watch my back while I continue to write.
Yesterday I posted this :
"Setakat ini 5 org telah di tahan SPRM. Mereka adalah Pegawai Tugas-Tugas Khas 1, YBMK bernama Shukri, SUSK YBMK Sharil Abdullah (Kembar dia Shahar Abdullah- Sekrg Timb Menteri Kewangan) SUB Perolehan KKM En Wan, Timb SUB Perolehan KKM En Fauzi dan seorg kontraktor Ketua Pemuda UMNO Tg Piai En Yusri. Semua mereka ini telah kantoi dan ada transaction duit berjuta. Menteri Kesihatan Adham Baba juga terlibat dan sekrg cuba minta tolong SPRM dan PM utk gugurkan kes".
The response from you guys have been great. Thank you.
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An update on the situation as of now: 1.58 PM Wednesday 6th of May 2020.
Yesterday two suppliers were brought in for remand. Arrests will follow soon and this time it will be the officers from the Ministry of Health. Will it go all the way to the very top? To the Menteri Kesihatan Adham Baba himself? At this point in time that is a question that only the powers that be in TSMY's back door government can answer because if TSMY's himself is involved, then ada susah sikit lah for any authorities to do anything. But this much I know of how things are in Malaysian politics. No abuse or use of political power for financial gain where contracts worth millions of ringgits in any Ministry in Putrajaya are concern can be done without the tacit approval / support / approval / endorsement / and enthusiastic participation of the Minister himself. (Delete whatever you think is not applicable).
Right now the Minister is sweating buckets. Right now the Minister, as I said previously "cuba minta tolong SPRM dan PM untuk gugurkan kes". Right now the Minister has let loose his rabid, mad dogs and those guys who make a living on the Net doing the bidding of their political masters for financial gains....they have let those mad dogs loose on me, the messenger of the bad news! They can do what they like to me...sticks and stone may bother me...but not talk or the attacks of idiots and morons who do not understand that steadyaku47 is a blogger far far away in Melbourne and all I do is write the truth. And if that gets this Minister of Health into strife...tough titties for him.
I rest my case!
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