
Showing posts from 2020

A Mother's Heart

Art Harun Math Wizard of Malaysia

A Mission To Hurt Me

The Ultimate Imaginary mind

Art Harun Cancerous Behaviour

The Call

Malaysia Extra Ordinary Ears

The Unspeakable to Happen

Ham Ka Chan buy new cars during pandemic

UMNO has 2 months to live

Who will Agong side?

Moo going for 3000

Protecting Stupid Melayu

A very sad day for all Malaysians

Next Drama

In Parliament

Proven PN MINISTERS have no brain

Moo's wish granted

Free Money from stupid Malaysians

Idiot from the wrong hole

Creating Panic and Fear

Azmin Ali version for Trade relations

Dubious Allocations in Budget 2021

Serious Repercussions

RM81 million to grab Penang

Criminals at Large protected by PN Government

The curse

Latest Dirty Trick by Moo and Speaker

Thieves demanding for donation from the poor

Idiot's gratitude

PN Achievements

Rakyat's right to sue

Rakyat has the right to REJECT BUDGET 2021

Gila Kuasa