A Prayer is a Prayer! What's the Fuss??

Taken from Siti Kasim
Image result for images of a slap
For heaven's sake! MGS started of as a Mission School. There is no ruling that says they can't recite a Christian prayer before an important ceremony.

Muslims being present while a Christian prayer is being recited is NOT preaching nor promoting conversions. Otherwise, no Muslim can ever attend any wedding or funeral service in a Church. To insinuate that this is a form of proselytising is an attempt to establish religious apartheid, and an abuse of clause 11(4) of the constitution.

To those parents who have a problem with the school reciting Christian prayers, please send your kids to normal SK or Sekolah Ugama.

To the KPM, don't be so bias in taking action, look at orang asli children in SK schools. They're being forced to pray and recite prayers when they're not even Muslims. 4 orang asli girls were slapped by a teacher when they refused to recite an Arabic verse before eating because they are not Muslims. Did you make noise about it? Did the police arrest the teacher that slapped the children? No. Nothing. Zilch.

So, please don't be so gung ho in trying to show how Islamic you all are by making such a big fuss over this.

I'm sick reading idiots making noise out of nothing! 
