A Corrupted and greedy Sangkil since 1800

Image result for images of azmin and zahid hamidi
Last week I attended a talk by a Malaysia Lama UMNO man.

Before he opened the floor to the audience’s view on the vision and understanding of Malaysia Baru, he gave a little bit of history on Malaya before Independence till today.

He said that the agreement with the British agreed upon were the Malays to rule this nation, MIC were to service the estate and MCA were to see to the welfare of the Chinese.  In no terms were MIC and MCA included to run this nation. 

If one were to read Robert Kuok’s memoir, one will understand the Chinese came to Malaya to seek their fortune and later were to return home.

Like the Chinese, Indians from India too came to Malaya to seek fortune.

But some Chinese and Indians decided to stay on in Malaya and bought their family members here too because the Malays were kind to them and there were plenty of opportunities to wealth.

One can see how generous the Malays were to the Indians and Chinese by giving them opportunity to share the ruling of this nation. 

What this Malaysia Lama UMNO man not revealing is the history of 1800. 

Back in 1800 Malay from Indonesian Islands came to Malaya to seek food, shelter and opportunities similar to the Chinese from China and Indians from India. Some Malays went back to Indonesia after gaining wealth while others remain and also brought their family members over too.

When the Malay from Indonesian Islands came here, they started human trafficking because they knew no trade and had no skill. They captured Orang Asli and sold them as slaves or concubine.  

Many of the slaves were sent to far away countries like Africa and Maui.

The Malay from Indonesian Islands were called Sangkil then.  Today they have re-branded themselves as Melayu or Bumiputera, while the rest are called Pendatang.

Sangkil, Bugis, Pendatang, Pariah or other name calling are acceptable since most of us are born from migrates who came to Malaya to live.

Except for people like MB Selangor Azmin who was born in Singapore and DPM Zahid, born in Indonesia.  These foreigners have not right to be leaders of this nation.

Like the Malay from Indonesian Islands, Chinese from China and Indian from India. Bangla, Vietnamese, Paki etc too will bring their families here to stay.

Orang Asli are the most generous and naive people who allow themselves be slaves in their own homeland.
