
A Boomerang is a flying tool with a curved shape used as a weapon or for sport. The most recognized type is the returning boomerang, which is a throwing stick that travels in an elliptical path and returns to its point of origin when thrown correctly. Returning boomerangs were used as decoy birds of prey, thrown above long grass in order to frighten game birds into flight and into waiting nets.
Everyone has a past whether good or bad. But certain people tend to forget when they are arrogant, thinking that they are immune from karma and above the law. Some with their wealth, thinking they can cover up everything that is unpleasant or work against them.
2011 have brought a sense of justice to the Arab world. North Korea has already place their nuclear in the direct path of South Korea. Cambodia and Thailand are already on the red alert. Indonesia, Australia and New Zealand have experience cyclone and earthquake. Singapore and Malaysia have the floods.
So it is a wonder that our Malaysian Government still think they are above the wrath of Allah and that karma does not work for them.
Kerdau and Merlimau the double by-elections are similar in many ways to the just concluded Tenang by election.
Money, dinners and household items are given freely without shame openly. What does EC officers do? They of course turn blind and deaf to all.
So it is no wonder that a few people have make themselves permanent fixture to UMNO since Kuala Selangor by-election till today to earn a living. In Kuala Selangor they receive RM50 plus food, accommodation and transport per day. In Tenang they were given RM150 plus all the same benefits and in Kerdau and Merlimau RM300 per day thanks to Rustam and Isa Samad. Yes the same Isa who depended on the syndicate to win in Bagan Pinang. With the blessing of Mr Rosmah, Army, Police and EC, Isa since then have been recruiting the syndicates to help in every single election.
What is interesting though is using Ummi Hafilda Ali as a decoy to cover their dirty tracks.
In Sodomy 1, Ummi was superwoman who knew every detail of Anwar’s link, affairs and movements which even the latter was not aware. By chance I met Dr Ristina Majid before her death, enquiring whether she manage to settle her debts of RM300,000 which she had taken from a specialist based at Pantai Hospital. She replied that Ummi had settled that debt and even given her daughter AUS20,000.
After the trial of Sodomy 1, Dr Ristina accompanied Ummi to Singapore to collect RM2 million as promised by Mahathir from Daim. Ummi went to see Daim alone and wanted to have sex with him. Knowing Ummi’s reputation for sleeping around with every Tom, Dick and Harry, he decline instead told her to suck his cock. Ummi did just that and went back to her hotel happy.
So which path will the boomerang return to in Kerdau and Merlimau?
In the meantime my friends are a happy lot getting free money and are looking forward to another death for the month of March.