Permata Curi
Permata Pintar is not the brainchild of the first lady whore as what the media and her PR team and the Najib think tank want us to believe.
Way back when Rosmah enrolled her children at Sri Cempaka, Datin Freida Pilus the chairman was already talking about the project. This project was thrown at everyone whom Datin Freida thought could help her expand her school and dream of being the first to have a gifted school and a teacher training center in Malaysia.
When Najib became the Prime Minister the lady whore stole the idea and claimed it as her brainchild. Whether it will be successful with a budget of RM1 million per child has to be seen. So far the permata curi is only meant for the so-called Malays with IQ above 130. Since you and I know 130 in a Malay sense means those who can recite words for words from a given book and with Islamic thinking of how to screw other races and with cow creative sense we will then have 1Malay running loose in the street beside the UMNO bastards.
For added interest some of the children in the permata curi programme have parents earning above RM15,000 per month. So screw the poor who have gifted children and are not Malays. Plus these permata curi children are socially retarded as they feel it is beneath them to speak or be seen in the company of the non-Malays, try talking to them and you will be surprise how arrogant and stupid they sound. And the first lady whore is proud to claim this programme is a long term investment for human capital. Fuck her.