Abu Kassim is arrogant and a coward

The arrogance of Abu Kassim, the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission boss can be noted with grieve when he has the cheek to say the test for corruption is simple. In a corrupt/corruptible nation half the people in the room would admit to having been asked to pay bribe or have paid bribe at the bloggers dialogue in Legend.
For your information Abu Kassim dare not investigate Tun Daim whom I have reported direct to him nor does he dare to answer my letters. If the MACC boss is a coward how do you expect his men to do any work.
Everyday I dread leaving my house because the minute I step outside my compound I see with my own eyes government officers asking for money from the road side stalls, kedai mamak, roundabouts and many other lanes.
I would like to challenge Abu Kassim and his lazy and coward officers from Anti-Corruption to accept my service for free for a week to catch at least 30 civil servants per day those asking and taking bribes in Wilayah Persekutuan alone. This offer has unlimited deadline so there is no excuse not to accept.
Take a step further Abu Kassim and have dialogues with Sri Cempaka and Sri KL primary school children instead. There the children are innocent and naive and are more than willing to raise their hands when you ask whether their parents cheat, steal and take bribes.