30 years ago we had a system

Tan Yi Liang from the Sun posed a question to Hamid Albar “what does someone who is chauffeured around in a luxury car know about the woes of the average commuter?” Hamid’s replied “I use public transport once in a while.” When pressed further when he took the trip, Hamid proudly without shame said he took it 30 YEARS AGO.
30 YEARS AGO we had Len Sen, Foh Hup, Selangor Bus and not forgetting our laissez-faire mini buses until Mahathir decided he could do a better job of making money for his family and mismanaging it.
Buses 30 years ago can take us through every corner we wish to go. We could depend on it to come frequently. The buses had no air-conditions then so we sweated on every trips, had to endure the smelly odour from many armpits pitted against our face during peak hours. The high speed crazy driving that drivers were competing with each other to reach their destination on record time and at the same time get more passengers. We get change back when we could not give the exact fare. 30 years ago we had a reliable bus system. Taxis then were meant for the rich and people who did not wish to be pack in the sardine can, smelling like a rotten egg.
So my dear Hamid as someone who was kicked out from the government and now given a task as Chairman of Land Public Transport Commission (SPAD), you should be thankful and do your job properly and not indulge in fantasy that our transport system can work itself with you sitting grandly and talking rubbish. Come down to the ground and see how screw up and mismanage the transport system is. Take off that fancy expensive shirt of yours and dress in T-shirt and make sure you carry a couple of ringgit and a RM50. Hail a cab and be prepare to be given a tour of the city in order to reach your destination and also note how the meter can click, click at a blink of an eye. Your fare would be 10% - 15% higher than normal and give that RM50 and check your change. Then take any particular number bus. Check your time and once the bus arrives be sure to hand over 2 RM1 and see whether you can get back your 10 sen change back.
Hamid, 30 years ago our transport system was much, much better than what we are getting right now.