The right to change

Silent Voters are not weak.
Get set within a week.
With a punch and a flick.
Here goes the flying kick.
Sibu got SIFU and KUNGFU KIDs.
Remember BN promise have to keep.
Sibu voters not asleep.
All ready and fit.
Siburians are not sick.
Don't give us haram meat.
Siburians can afford to eat.
Don't play with us politic.
We don't like money gimmick.
Don't play hide and seek.
How much can you dig.
Siburians are very rich.
Only buy-elections we meet.
Sibu all are rich.
Pakatan win is what we need.
RM300 million you can keep.
We dislike people who cheat.
Siburians voted for change.
Now BN is sullen.
