Soft loan RM250m for cattles in the drain.
I am a great believer that youth born with golden spoon do not have good business standing.
One good example are the children of Mahathir. They were owners of over 200 companies and every single one went down the drain. Thanks to people like Vincent, Francis, Naza group, Genting they can still breathe. But what happens if Mahathir were to die now??????????
Today we have a new breed of youth who are still wet behind their ears been given soft loan amounting to hundreds of million to do big business. These youngsters are educated in private schools and gone to overseas Universities. With rich parents connected in all the right places, they are showered with easy loans that are meant for genuine and hard pressed Malaysians who want to do business.
I am talking about Izran and Izzana who were given a soft loan of RM250m for the Beef Valley Project. Giving a loan of such a big amount to a 22 and 20 years old in 2007 who had never lifted a finger to earn a living is like throwing stones into the big ocean. Projected target was for 60,000 heads of cattle by 20l0, now 2009 is almost at the end, they have only managed 2,000 heads. So to achieve that incredible figure they will be cutting pictures of cattle to get publicity and another loan to cover the RM250m existing one next year. Soon we will have another PKFZ scandal.
Have we forgotten how at the age of 27 Ling Hee Leong (Ling Liong Sik's son) became a bankrupt?
How long more do we need to support the elite members and their families?