Karpal Singh Attorney General

Since 8th March 2008 showdown in Malaysia and then now Obama was elected President of US many Malaysian are hoping and praying for a miracle to happen here too. To have DSAI as the Prime Minister, Ronnie Liu as Deputy Prime Minister, Karpal Singh as the Attorney General, Lim Kit Siang as ACA chief and Jomo as chief of Bank Negara. Imagine this kind of line-up will have the UMNO boys puking away. This country does need a big shocking shake-up to bring back unity and prosperity. To do this we as the citizen must cooperate and work together as a team and fight the present bullies. As long as we remain docile and just shake our heads nothing will change.

Eric Holder will be the first black Attorney General in Obama’s list. So what are we waiting for? Let’s join hands and say a BIG NO to UMNO. Come and join us at the Petaling Jaya Candlelight Vigil every Sunday at Civic Center 8pm for a start.
