
Showing posts from July, 2020

What Happens if Warisan win 42 seats??????

Mere RM40

Najib's Karma

Not a single person voted for Moo to be PM

By Election P85

Only a Fool Accept Such Deal

Bribery in Drone Style

Do you trust DAYA?

The News Coming Soon.

Show Us their qualification and experience

Only 7 years

Takiyuddin Hassan can now officially EAT SHIT

What Qualification and Experience?

Zulkifli leave the job to Azmin Ali

A Pious PAS

Tekun or Free Money

Will the Judge Vanish like Kevin Morais?

Parti Putra and 28th July 2020

PAS publicly stealing from the Chinese

Art Harun, can you explain your appointment as Speaker?

Malaysians Right Strangulated

Who fucked Article 57 Federal Constitution?

The Malay Fight Begin

Malaysian Pak Turut

The Anglish that Strangle itself

Dying man last wish

Challenge IGP to catch the culprit