
Showing posts from January, 2020

New World Order (conspiracy theory)

Malaysia has more dangerous virus


2020 Chinese New Year

Compensation in the form of extension of 20 years

Mahathir the Culprit

Breakfast for ALL

Mahathir a Cheat and a Liar

MB Ahmad Yakob you got no bloody right

No country should work for ONE PERSON

Malaysians have lost respect for DAP

Kelantan is poor because MB is USELESS

Whole of Malaysia must kick out JAKIM

Pariah Dog Gathering Tomorrow

Mahathir you are no longer needed in Malaysia, so GET LOST

Eat your own words Mahathir

Malaysians losing out PLUS to Mahathir and Daim for the FIFTH TIME

Very Common in all Government Schools

Licence to SUCK COCK

All 3 should resign immediately