
Showing posts from July, 2015

Know your new Deputy Prime Minister

Let Politicians and Bersih talk cock, while we do something useful

Malaysia Prime Minister got shit thrown onto his face

Another Bankrupt with huge allowance

It's a CROSS

Chinese Wanted everywhere

The Most Popular God in the World making headlines after headlines

Access to Sarawak Report

In Malaysia a Bankrupt can enjoy life travelling

Mission Impossible

Hammurabi's Code

Who paid the Thai Police?

Capricious Celebration

Najis sure to survive

Malaysia in Crisis

DAP should fuck off in Selangor

Hunt for Mastermind Killer Mr. Lim Yuen Soo

Clear picture of thugs who started the riot in Low Yat

Poor Victims dragged out from car at Low Yat Incident

Proof Papa Gomo started the racial riot in Low Yat

Who dares to charge him?

Today's happening leading to disaster due to corruption within UMNO leaders

Malaysia run by Scoundrels

Money, money, I love you

Hari Raya Greeting


Highest bidder will win

Pathetic Joke for Raya