
Showing posts from October, 2009

Strong Will

Khairy's undivided support

Confucian not helping when dealing with bastards

Rosmah the Murderer

Ashes to ashes

Queen ZamBRA

A Real Coward

1Malaysia Musical Chair

Overly Confident or Stupid

Wasting time

Tok Guru the knight


Painful Budget

Jangan mati di MACC

PR for only RM20 million

Everyone should resign

Eat not enough

This is so not Malay enough

Your loss our gain

Malaysia tentu boleh

101 East - KL land scam

A kind reminder to Rosmah

Fast and Fury or Arrogant

Happy Deepavali

BN Mati

Our Police Force Shamelah

Thanks Pete

Everyone to be blame in Bagan Pinang

A promise is a promise

I had a dream

Together We Fall

Dedicated to Rosmah and Ida Daim

EC Cuntfuse in Brothel Town now renamed Army Town

All the Ones (1)

A father's pain

Bagan Pinang tsunamisa

Isa Samad third chance? No Way........

My prayer for Kugan's Family

Forensic Joker